Quote Originally Posted by coolmom42 View Post
I opened the ticket and got the normal response, "we are doing things right and we dont' know what could be wrong." Can I express how unhappy I am with this site host?

Their only suggestion is to change the wording of the email. Which I have no idea how to do, or where to do, and can't see how to change it from the admin page.

I went into the admin section, and then to users, and found myself as a user, and tried to send email to me. It should be showing up as from "babystep@debtfreefanatics.com" . Nothing came through to my gmail, after multiple attempts, not even in the spam folder.

Kim... since you have made an account on the other site that is closing down, can you suggest that people reach out to us on this site, and post on the Visitor Forum and Tech Support section. Any admin can add them as members here manually. They will need to be added to the "probationary users" group. After that, they will have to provide some additional info.

I have in the past added you to the host site as a contact, but it disappeared. UGH. I will do it again. I need a mailing address and phone number to do that. Can you PM that to me? or send it to my gmail.
PM sent. The users on the other site says it seems to be related to gmail accounts. Makes me wonder if Vettedrmr account that he can no longer get emails to is gmail as well. You might add that to the ticket. I will go out to the other site and do as you suggest.