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View Full Version : Trying to Reset My Password...

09-14-2015, 10:04 AM
Hello Admins, I am trying to reset my password and have not yet gotten the email to do so. I have tried a few times in the last 30 minutes and haven't received it. My email address is {redacted} and my user name is aotearoa. Could someone please send me manual email to reset my password? Thanks very much.

09-14-2015, 10:17 AM
FYI it can be up to 10 minutes for emails to go out, depending on our email batch processor.

First question - have you checked your spam folder to make sure the emails haven't ended up there?

Second question - what step in the reset password phase did you get to?
- Request password reset instructions where you enter email and do the image verification?
- Got reset instruction, clicked on link to reset password, and didn't get email with new temp pw?
- New temp pw didn't work?

09-14-2015, 11:17 AM
Helps if I approve the thread so it's visible to it's owner, I suppose... ;)

09-14-2015, 10:21 PM
Hrm. I've had to reset mine twice in the past few days, I think. Maybe I just didn't get it changed back properly after the first reset. I'm keeping a close eye on it.

In unrelated issues, my work is flagging this site as a spam site because "it's showing too much activity for a new site." That's through WebSense, in case there's a way to try to reassure them you're not evil. Er, perhaps someone other than The Evil Mr. Greebo ought to contact them, though.