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View Full Version : Welcome to all Newcomers! Brief explanation of our forums by topic.

09-19-2015, 12:21 PM
Newcomers, I just wanted to welcome you to Debt Free Fanatics!

Our site is quite new, but many of us have been together for years and years on a forum which was abruptly shut down by the company which owned it. Because the site crashed, and the owner didn't want to bring it back, we lost literally hundreds of thousands of recipes, money saving tips, and amazing and really personal posts from our members. One of our members decided to create this new forum, and so we are starting from scratch here. Bear with us while we add more content, and feel free to add some, yourself!

Here is a list of the different forums available so far, and a brief explanation of what each is about:

Debt Elimination and Money Management is where you'd want to go to find out the best strategies for getting out of debt and saving money.

Investor's Corner is where to go to find out how to make wise investments, diversify, or just find out what others are doing with their money after they became debt free.

General Discussion is a wonderful forum for just anything you want to talk about that isn't necessarily money related. It's just a place for us to chat about anything else that comes to mind.

Check out Frugal Living for lots of money saving tips and ideas, as well as recipes. Look over at the blogs, and feel free to start one of your own.

Political Hacks is the place to be if you love politics, or just arguing about politics. :chuncky:

Success Stories is pretty self-explanatory. People post about the successes they've had in getting a debt paid off, or using their money to make more money, or anything along those lines. Please stop in there once in awhile to congratulate someone on their successes, and post your own as you pay off a debt or maybe get your baby emergency fund in place.

55 is the new 30 is a place for people 55 and older to relax and share a bit of what life for them is like. If you are 55 or older, join in on the conversation, and if you're younger than 55, check it out, anyway, because you might learn something there that will help you along your own journey to that age group.

7th Heaven is the place for those who have made it. They have paid off ALL of their consumer debts, have seen their kids through college (if applicable), have their fully funded emergency fund in place, and...wait for it...have PAID OFF THEIR HOUSES! These people know all about how to squeeze a dime until it screams, so we all have a lot to learn from them. There's even a topic in there for them to show off pictures of their paid-for homes. This forum is a glimpse into what life is like for those who have worked their butts off to reach this point in life, and each of them are amazing.

Emergency Preparedness is a new forum created by those who are preppers. Some may be preppers on a small scale, like just having a bug-out bag, or there may be others who have a bunker full of food and medicine, just in case of the zombie apocalypse. Come on in and add your ideas on how best to prepare for a natural disaster or something more sinister.

Fitness is a forum for those who are physically active, trying to get fit, are already fit and just want to help others, or anything along those lines.

Seeking Financially Smart Singles is a group of some of our single members who just want to talk about life as a single person trying to get out, or stay out, of debt, and yet still have a social life.

Small Business is where you would post about your own small business, or to get ideas on how to start a small business.

Wanted to Sell, Wanted to Buy is a place for forum members to buy or sell things. Since most of our members are scattered throughout the world, shipping is going to be a factor, so keep that in mind when deciding to buy or sell here.

Lastly, there are some private groups. You can ask to join one, and if the moderator of that group approves you, you're in.

Please join in, and feel free to invite others, as well, through your social media groups.