Creating a budget can lead to a lot of emotions: fear, frustration, anger, guilt, anxiety; but it can also lead to calm and contentment. A written budget tells your money what to do for you. This control over your income and outgo, is the key to achieving financial peace.
Every adult family member needs to be involved in the budget process, whether they contribute an income or not. It’s important that each person’s voice be heard and their vote count. One person may create...
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Eating Well for Less - Reducing Food Bills
Eating Well for Less - Reducing Food Bills
Plan a Menu Around Sales and Stick to the List
Write the menu on the family calendar. The activities listed on this calendar will identify crunch days so you can plan accordingly like making a slow cooker meal. I bring the sales flier to the dinner table and request family input while they are still hungry because the feedback is better. I also make note to stock up on frequently used items, like canned tomatoes, that are at rock bottom prices. Sticking to the list is impossible for me but...