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  • Eating Well for Less - Reducing Food Bills

    Plan a Menu Around Sales and Stick to the List
    Write the menu on the family calendar. The activities listed on this calendar will identify crunch days so you can plan accordingly like making a slow cooker meal. I bring the sales flier to the dinner table and request family input while they are still hungry because the feedback is better. I also make note to stock up on frequently used items, like canned tomatoes, that are at rock bottom prices. Sticking to the list is impossible for me but...
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  • Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps to Financial Freedom

    Dave Ramsey believes that by following his Seven Baby Steps people can achieve Financial Peace. Eliminating debt, saving for the future and paying off your home are all financially important goals, but trying to do them all at once will dilute your efforts. The Baby Steps plan works by focusing all your energy--and income--on one of these goals at a time.

    Baby Step 1: $1,000 in an emergency fund

    You might be tempted to skip this step and jump to paying off your debt, but...
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  • Saving is Not One-Size-Fits-All

    Saving is a fundamental part of the Baby Steps. That may sound counterintuitive for a program intending to eliminate debt since any money going to savings is money that's not paying off debt. In reality, it's the savings which permit the gazelle-intense, laser-beam focus on paying off debt. It isn't saving done without a purpose, however; how much is saved and why it's saved varies as the different Baby Steps are achieved.

    The very first Baby Step of the get-out-of-debt plan isn't even...
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