Our editorial staff is proud to announce the opening of our new default landing page - our Articles section.

While not exactly "chock full" (yet) of content, we wanted to get the articles out there because we believe that the best way to keep this site growing is to put material out there of use to people with similar mindsets - that debt is dumb - and who are looking for advice on how to achieve the goal we all share!

You will find that going forward our default home page of http://www.debtfreefanatics.com will take you to the Articles. If you prefer to land directly on the forums, as I am sure that many of you will, then you will want to take a moment to change your bookmarks to http://www.debtfreefanatics.com/forum.php .

You can also help DFF keep growing and help others in their goals by spreading the word. If you haven't already, like our Facebook page, follow our Twitter account, and share our articles with your friends.

Thank you for making Debt Free Fanatics a success!